Bonnie Habyan is a leading digital marketing and branding expert, author, and keynote speaker.
Bonnie Habyan is a leading digital marketing and branding expert and consultant, author, and keynote speaker.
Bonnie is a podcast host and guest on marketing, branding and business growth.
Listen now to explore and learn marketing and branding guidance from Bonnie and leading industry professionals.
Listen now to explore and learn marketing and branding guidance from Bonnie and leading industry professionals.

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Storytelling for Career Growth with Sarah Johnston
The Innovation Economy
Sarah Johnston is not only a former recruiter and executive resume writer, but the founder of Briefcase Coach, an executive resume and coaching service, and is a real innovator. With a million LinkedIn followers, she clearly demonstrates how a professional can develop influence through sharing their expertise and more importantly, telling their story.

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Using LinkedIn for career and company success with Brynne Tillman
The Innovation Economy
In this latest episode, Bonnie Habyan and Brand the Change speaks with LinkedIn Whisperer Brynne Tillman who provides a state of the state as well as some futuristic insights on integrating AI and where this powerful platform is headed for employees and companies.

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Intrapreneurs, rainmakers, and other employees that fuel growth, with Ira Zlotowitz, GPARENCY
The Innovation Economy
Are you an intrapreneur or a rainmaker? Both are critical to help companies grow and thrive, and in this episode of Brand the Change, Bonnie Habyan sits down with GPARENCY CEO Ira Zlotowitz to talk about the power of employees who possess innovative skills, and how taking strategic risk is critical for corporate and professional success.

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#16: Innovation Versus Leaders - What Superpowers Successful Ones Need to Develop Now to Win
The Innovation Economy
In the tug-of-war between innovation and leadership, agility in adapting skills is quickly emerging as the hidden ace in the quest for market dominance. Co-host Bonnie Habyan had the unique opportunity to sit down with one of the world’s leading search firms to speak with Spencer Stuart Greg Welch about the needed superpowers for today’s emerging leaders.
Bonnie speaks about a variety of marketing, business, and motivational topics and provides both strategic and tactical marketing consulting with a specialty in thought leadership, branding, and positioning of individuals and companies.